Chapter 1-Introduction
The Solar System is the home star system of the human race. By the creation of the Solar Coalition, Humanity had been in space within the Solar System for over 1,200 years. The Solar Coalition treaty was signed to replace the Commonwealth Treaty, Interstellar. The treaty was made at the height of the K’talla War.
The K’talla forces had conquered 80% of the Commonwealth System beyond the Solar System. The Solar System governments felt that the human world would be the main K’talla target. After the First Battle of Sol was won by humanity with the aid of the Sleip and Jonnerian, the Coalition Treaty was formed so the Solar System would speak with one voice at the forming of the League.
After the League was formed the Solar Coalition set about perfecting the defense of the Solar System. The League tried to develop a grand strategy of defense against the K’tallan offensive.
The Sleipnir were unwilling to aid any human offensive to retake the conquered Commonwealth worlds. If the humans wanted those systems back, they could take them back on their own efforts. The Jonnerans took the necessary steps to organize the League’s defenses.
They established the third Unity to develop the region of space just rimward of the old human commonwealth and UPW Spaces. The Third Unity consisted of the New Commonwealth formed by all of the refugee population from the conquered colonies and all of the rescued space stations and space habitats.
Some of the populations were taken in by Jonnerian populations out of necessity. Many were resettled with NCW communities when possible, but the other refugees chose to remain with the Jonnerian communities that took them in during the crisis. These Jonnerians began to culturally change after three generations. This was the foundation of the Companion Sept.
To defend the lightly populated UPW systems the Jonnerians proposed the use of robotic warships. These measures led to a major Jonnerian presence within the UPW spaces. These Jonner worked so extensively with the UPW navy and populations that the Machine Talker Sept developed from the relationship.
The Jonnerians negotiated with the Sleip to look at measures of defending the core human worlds and systems. Part of those measures was a detachment of Sleip ships in those systems, including Sol. the Sleip also stationed large module arsenal shoals within those systems, with human permission.
After several decades the Sleip developed several new types of Edits to fight in the K’talla War. These edits were placed under the command of several Jonner families. Since the war stretched for centuries, those families developed into a new Sept, the Minion Sept. These fleets were based in several star systems but not the Solar System.
The Jonnerians aided human efforts to liberate the K’tallan occupied systems. These were joint operations between the NCW, Companion Sept, Minion Sept, Machine Talker Sept, and the UPW fleet.
Among these factions was the Exile Navy. The Exiles were the remnant of the Commonwealth Navy. The Commonwealth had formed a force from all the human communities of the Commonwealth to try and build a truly neutral force for the betterment of Humanity. After the K’talla conquered most of the Human systems, the Exiles felt it their sacred duty to liberate those human populations. The Exiles consisted of the old Commonwealth Navy, their support facilities, and many new recruits from the refugee populations.
These campaigns often ended in sorrow. Some advances were made, but each time the K’talla would counter attack and win back any liberated systems. But these campaigns continued decade after decade. The Humans found it unacceptable to just give it up.
The Solarian powers were involved in some campaigns, but were not involved in each of them. Their most important focus was the defense of Sol. As the homeworld of Humanity, it was a major target of the K’talla.
While there was only four full scale assaults on the Solar System by the K’talla war fleets, there was constant proving attacks by the K’talla over the four centuries of the Human-K’talla War.
The total casualties measured were in the tens of millions. Most came from space communities, but up to a quarter of them were Solarians.
The total war force of the K’tallan War, changed most of the human society almost all other human activity came to a halt, but humans did try and advance their civilizations.
The UPW subcultures became more conservative and static. They tried to emphasis the cultural tenets which were their strengths through the generations.
The League human factions turned their energies to expansion and new population growth. Their populations grew twenty fold during the war, despite war losses.
The Third Unity spread from a few dozen star systems to over two thousand in the four hundred terran years. The Companion Sept focused upon gas giants using sky city technology. The NcW and Jonnerian First Unity Septs moved throughout the area helping to develop the space.
The Solarians continued to develop as Humanity had for ages. While the K’talla attacks disrupted such projects as the terraforming of Venus and Mars, Humanity repaired the damage and pressed ahead.
Chapter Two
The various fleets and military services that waged the K’tallan War were numerous. The K’talla were united, but humanity was fragmented as were their allies.
The Solarian treaty members were the Mars Republic, the Earth Alliance, and the Imperial Federation. Each had member states, but those were the signature members. It also included the primordial terrestrials that were still alive and dealing with the Solarians. These include the Crinoids and the Theropods. Certain concessions were granted them by the Solarian governments for the Terrestrials aid against the K’talla.
The League saw these minor populations as a part of the Solarian Coalition. To honor all agreements the Solarian Coalition must defend the old legacy star colonies of the primordial terrestrials.
The oldest species is the crinoids who have one surviving extrasolar colony and a small population in Antarctica.
The theropods have populations on the crinoid colony, but there is also one world where a residual population was settled by the crinoids and allowed to develop.
These two systems were developed to have a major military defense force. These are also guarded by the League as well.
Chapter Three
It was not known till after the war that during the First Battle of the Sol, that the strike on Earth that devastated the biosphere of Earth and killed over a billion people was not performed by the retreating K’talla, but was launched by the defending Sleip to test the mettle of Humanity.
This event would have consequences centuries later. The Exiles would find these events intolerable, especially as the Sleip were conceded the planet Neptune.
These agreements would push the Exiles to Exodus the known human space.
Chapter Four
The Solarian Coalition found that the era of the K’talla War was a trying time but the challenges brought out the best in Humanity.
The planets Mars and Venus were still going through centuries of terraforming. Earth spent decades repairing the damage from the Ktallan assaults and the Sleipnir testing.
Also resources are tapped from the Solar System and neighboring star systems to develop and build major new fleets and vast system wide defense capacities.
Another major endeavor by the Solarian States is to research all of the technology and science that has been discovered by exposure to the war and alien races, especially the Sleip and Talla. These technologies include the ability to manipulate space/time through metric engineering and how to tap gravity fields for power.
The solarian Coalition also had expeditionary fleets set to aid in the liberation efforts, but also to the lleyu trying to aid in their war against the Ktalla. This expedition was a diplomatic nightmare. The Talla blame Humanity for the start of the whole war.
The whole effort was a mixture of Talla rebels, N’talla revived soldiers, the Ptanj mercenary fleets from the Union, the Ileyal royal fleets, the Ileyoll member state fleet, and the Solarian expeditionary force.
These expeditions were a matter of tension between the Earth Alliance and the Imperial Federation. Each was the major collective of the States of the Solarian Coalition. The Imperial Federation forward focusing on the League’s efforts to liberated occupied human worlds. The Earth Alliance (Diqui Lianmeng) wanted to seek other strategic options to try and turn the K’tallan war effort.
Once the Sleip refused to take the offense against the K’talla, and the primordial terrestrial could not furnish any significant immediate war effort, the Diqui Lianmeng sought other potential contacts.
While the Imperials focused on close ties and direct war efforts with the League, the Lianmeng launched out to explore stray contacts. The Chinese and Russians hit upon the idea of trying to reestablish contact with the Talla and negotiate a cease fire to the war, which had gone so against the humans once the Talla introduced the K’talla super soldiers.
Negotiations was difficult, but the humans learned that the K’talla had seized power and the Talla were in rebellion with Allies.
With this information the Solar Coalition agreed to a new grand strategy. The Mars Republic would be accepted as independent, but would be expected to take major commitment to the Solar System.
The Imperial Federation would focus to take over the Solar contribution to the League expedition. The Diqui Lianmeng would continue to send expeditionary forces to scout out the K’tallan space beyond the occupied worlds and aiding the Talla.
There would be observers from all factions on all expeditions. These observers would have full ability to report to their home capitals.
The First Alliance expedition after the change of strategy agreement was to establish a military base of operations within the same region of space as the anti k’talla alien alliance.
The second expedition of the Alliance was to the Ileyol thrown world. This was an effort to try and exchange war tech and aid the Lleyoll with intelligence about the K’talla.
The third expedition of the Alliance was to take part in a joint strike with the N’talla and Ileyoll royal fleets against one of the three major K’talla shipyards. The result was a disaster with most of the attacking force destroyed.
The plan had been for the human ships to piggyback on the alien ships and attack. Human FTL does not have the strategic speed to counter the K’talla strategic movement. The Alliance resolved to improve their technology after this campaign.
There was no agreement between the Talla and n’talla and humans. The past history was to extensively negative. The Ileyoll were more willing to negotiate with the humans.
The result from these exchanges would not go rapidly. But in the end the Diqui Lienmeng fleets would develop new technologies centered upon phase shifting.
Weapons systems were refined to fit upon smaller ships designed than older ship designed.
Chapter Five
The Imperial Federation is made up of many of the states once called West Civilization. Over the centuries these states have politically changed but culturally have changed slowly.
The major member states of the Imperial Federation are the Republic of the United states, the commonwealth of Nations, Brazilian Republic, Nihon, and the Indian Republic.
History unfold after the Third World War to drive separations in human civilizations.
The Imperial Federation is driven by the rights of the individual above all other aspects of legal or philosophical theory.
Chapter Six
The Diqui Lianmeng is made up of many old nations that opposed the Western nations. These include China, Russia, the African Union, and the Muslim Association. Of these four powers, the first three are the ones with active space presences. The populations of Venus have their greatest ties to China and Indonesia, but are still recognized as partially independent.
Chapter Seven
The planetary forces of the League have a sizable contingent ofthe League have a sizable contingent of Solarian military with them.
The League has shared war tech among the various to best fight the K’talla. But eachfaction uses it to develop their own doctrine.
The Imperial Federation’s acceptance of cybernetics, bionics, and genetic engineering allows them several military options. The Imperials also use AI’s at the warbot level, which their opposites do not.
The Diqui Lienmeng use far more mundane troops with extensive power armor and countermeasures of complex natures.
Chapter Eight
The space fleets and starships of the Solarian powers changed drastically over the course of the K’tallan war.
When the Talla attacked the Commonwealth the fleets were the old member nation fleets and the Commonwealth Interstellar Navy.
The nation fleets were system ships and big fleet tenders, with packets and couriers for small communication missions. Each nation used a different policy, but after 150 years of interstellar travel the Commonwealth Navy was formed.
The balance of power was maintained by the Commonwealth being based out system. The idea was that the Commonwealth Navy would take responsibility for most interstellar actions, while not traveling back to the Solar System with any warships.
The nature of the Carsmir Inducer allow FTL travel, but it still required a relativistic ship to utilize the system for interstellar travel.
This meant either very large starships or the use of a fleet tender for ferrying forces and system ships over the interstellar distances. This was sufficient to allow the old solarian powers to strategically balance the Commonwealth of Humanity.
The Periphery War or 1st Interstellar War was mostly fought between the UPW and the Commonwealth Administration. The UPW objected to the aggressive unification policies of the Commonwealth, not keeping ties to the home system. In this early period the Treaty of Separation was in effect but was not as ossified as in later eras. Each of the major member nations of the Commonwealth had various stances on the UPW’s push for full recognized independence.
USA: Sympathetic, but not more than informal support
Commonwealth (British): sympathetic and vote often for peace.
India: sympathetic but believe a legal solution
United Europe: Believed that the rebellion was illegal
Russia: supportive of independance
Brazil: supportive of the Commonwealth
African Union: Supportive of the commonwealth
Mars Republic: Neutral
China: Sympathetic but disapproves.
In the end the commonwealth Administration found the threat from the UPW and the growing political hostility from Earth to much and agreed to the peace settlement.
After the war interstellar technology changed slowly with more efficient designs. The Commonwealth expanded the Colonial Authority and pushed new efforts to explore. The Solarian States moved to strengthen their fleets and devise counters to the concept of relavistic bombing, after the war.
The Solarian nations also tied their oldest stellar colonies closer to them. This created a two tier stellar civilization for Humanity. The oldest colonies keep their alliance to their parent nation, while the post commonwealth owed more to the colonial powers. This led to some tensions at the legal and political level but never at the military.
During the Second Interstellar War, or the Periphery-Jonneran War, the Commonwealth was mostly ignorant of the affair. Much of the combat was in star systems beyond the core UPW five main systems.
Everything would change after a Commonwealth Expedition encountered Talla colony world. The first expedition was scientific that had detected unusual gravity waves from the star system. Once they realized it was a space faring species they departed without making contact. The second expedition tried to make contact but were told to depart by the Talla. The third expedition was to insistent and was attacked by the Talla destroying several ships. The regional Commonwealth respond with a partially martial response, and the Talla went to a state of war and attacked the Commonwealth.
The Talla were more advanced than Humanity and wanted to inflict enough damage upon human space to remove any contact.
This war caught the humans off guard. The Talla used superior technology with the limited goal of driving humans out of the star systems close to their colonies to wage the war.
These efforts were successful at first, but the humans went on the offensive. These expeditions were defeated by the Talla, but they despaired that the humans would not get the message.
The Talla found that their war against the humans could not move past a stalemate. The Talla had no interest in diplomatic interaction with the humans, and the humans stubbornly pursued hostilities.
In a bid to pursue the war the Talla debating reviving their past super soldiers, P’talla or maybe creating something new targeted specifically at the humans. Ultimately both steps were taken. New war technology designs were developed. Then the K’talla were developed to work within the psychological aspects of the human species.
The Talla planned was to withdraw from the war with humans directly. They activated the P’talla and used their super soldiers to bolster the defenses of their core worlds, just in case the humans tried any deep space strategic strikes.
The K’talla were developed into a major force and then unleashed upon the Commonwealth of Humanity.
Chapter Nine
The K’talla onslaught was devastating to humanity, and the first existential threat to the species since all humans were on the home planet with several polities having large arsenals of nuclear weapons.
The Talla had withdrawn from any combative encounters for over two terran years when the Ktalla attack fleets attacked. Within just half a year the Ktalla had conquered and occupied all of the Commonwealth systems on the side of human space closest to Talla space.
As the K’talla fleets prepared for the assault upon Sol System, they launched probing attacks on all the systems in the other half of human space, including the UPW.
All of the forces in human space began to try and defend, but many were destroyed with ease.
The assault on Sol led to a seige of all the major planets of the system and rampant destruction system wide.
Strange some targets were not attacked.
The Jonnerian involvement was part of the UPW’s efforts to help the Solar System. Unknown to the humans that would also bring the Sleip involvement in the Second Battle of Sol.
Chapter Ten
After the K’talla’s strategic advance was halted at the Second Battle of Sol, they set about strategically consolidating their hold upon the other Commonwealth star systems.
The League agreement laid out that the Sleip would only help defend existing free populations of humans, including the refugees in League space, Sol, and the few other still human held systems.