Exercise or practice of an art, science, or skill. (Merriam-Webster dictionary)
Every person has some praxis that interest and fascinates them. This often becomes our hobbies and sometimes our vocations. I intend to write about my own, which are:
From the bowyer of archaic bows to modern target shooting, and all the usages of the bow through history and modern time.
For a hundred years the field has changed the very nature of human civilization, giving us computers, instant communications, and a thousand other tools.
Of all the animals ever partnered by humans, the horse is the most useful. The skills developed over millennia for working with equines are diverse.
Originally an Indian spiritual practice, it has gone on to be a rapid changing global system of physical techniques with many diverse manifestations.
Martial Arts
The number of combat arts developed by Humanity is legion. Each culture and society has developed their own.