The difficulty in writing fantasy stories is internal consistency. When writing a story where any form of reality can take place, with any event, then an author must define the rules under which he is playing. This allows the reader to suspend disbelief. The list below are the six projects I am currently writing to encourage suspension of disbelief
My Six Daughters
Ethan was lost after his wife Samantha was killed in a car wreck. He found himself raising his own two daughters, but also his two nieces. Then life got more complicated when he found himself the warder of the daughter of an old service buddy who died in battle. Now he’s been asked to foster yet a sixth girl. The poor carpenter is about to learn that all six girls are drawn together by mystic forces and each is heir to their own individual magical legacies.
Two Sisters
Samsa and Elossa were separated when young by political forces upon the death of their parents. Now Elossa has sworn vengeance against the city state which destroyed her family. Samsa only wants to protect her new family and village, but the Imperium as put the onus upon her to stop her sister, or all of them will face imperial wrath. Its a race to see who will get to their goals and see if family still matters any more.
Keys to Tartarus
Hades was happy to retire into obscurity when the Greek gods stepped down from worshipped figure heads. He now lives his life as an actuary, but he has held onto some elements of his old regalia, including one of the 5 keys to the Pit of Tartarus. Now someone wants that key to unleash all the monstrosities and banished entities dwelling in the pit.
Keara’s Tarot
A young lad finds a deck of tarot cards. Each card shows a mysterious woman in strange and wondrous places. His fascination will grown, and endanger his life and soul.
Padrechean Saga
Padrech de Shekineser was a border fort commander for the Old Empire. When his command and men are betrayed by the incompetency of a new glory seeking commander, he strikes out at the Emperor and the throne. But Padrech never realized his actions would guide him into wars that would reach even into the Lands of the Dead.
Arthurian vs Lovecraftian
The Arthurian Mythos has been a favorite story cycle for Western Civ for a 1000 years. H.P. Lovecraft help to develop the genre of eldritch horror in the early 20th century. The two genres and mythos make an interesting contrast in themes.
European Mythoi
The mythoi of Europe lay as deep foundations in the cultures of Western civilizations. Even though these religions are mostly extinct, the myths still have deep impact in modern times. The mythologies of the Germanic, Celtic, Slavic, and Classic cultures are still with us.